One of the greatest gifts that children have is their creativity, and The Heritage Private School encourages all students to build on their talents, both in class and in their spare time. The School’s sound-insulated music rooms serve the students well in their music lessons, training and rehearsals for the various musical activities and events that take place at The Heritage Private School. The School’s outdoor amphitheatre is also a wonderful and evocative setting for staging musical events.
Extracurricular musical activities run after school for all ages of Heritage School students. There are Primary School and Secondary School Choirs and a School Orchestra, which perform at many school events such as the School Concert, the Christmas Fete and the annual Christmas Carol Service.
In addition to the traditional forms of music, the Secondary School also has a Rock Band, which meets weekly and practises for performance at various school events. Any Secondary School student interested in joining needs a short ‘audition’ and initial interview. Each year the School hosts a Rock Festival, where soloists, duets and bands from The Heritage perform.
The Music Department believes that the best way to improve musical ability is to begin learning a musical instrument. In order to encourage this, the School’s ‘Mission Orchestra’ project as part of the Music Institute has private lessons on offer for a wide range of instruments and for Music Theory, and for the Year 5 to Year 10 age groups, instrument loans are available (violin, violoncello, flute, saxophone, trumpet and clarinet).
Trips are arranged by the Music Department for students studying Music at GCSE, AS and A Level, including visits to Vienna to see Mozart’s House, the Vienna State Opera House and various other cultural/musical sites.
The School actively encourages all students who wish to share their musical talents to contribute to school life and events.