DELF/DALF Awards Ceremony

On Wednesday 22 January, the DELF/DALF Awards Ceremony for the successful candidates of the 2019 session took place at the Heritage Multifunction Hall.

This year has been an exceptional year for The Heritage Private School as we had 95% successful candidates including 5 DALF C1.

Her Excellency the Ambassador of France in Cyprus, Madame Isabelle Dumont, honoured us with her presence and was very impressed not just by the excellent level of the French language at our School, but also by the fact that 7 of our students are applying to French speaking universities in France this year, for Medicine, Computer Sciences, Psychology, Economics, Biology and Nutrition.

Madame Dumont was accompanied by the Director of the Institut Français à Chypre, Mr E. Mourriez, and by the DELF/DALF examinations officer in Cyprus, Ms A. Athanasiadou. Congratulations to all our successful candidates. We are really proud of you!