Musical Success

This year’s musical Young Frankenstein was a resounding success. It was the first time such an original production was staged in Cyprus and it had the audiences roaring with laughter from start to finish. People were amazed by the quality of the acting, dancing and singing, as well as the magical and seamless set changes. Heritage students were part of the production team too, … Read More


Eight students attended the 19th annual Mediterranean Model United Nations (MediMUN) Conference at the European University of Cyprus. MediMUN serves as a dynamic platform, annually uniting students in a simulated UN setting. It fosters global citizenship, diplomacy, and critical thinking and transcends cultural boundaries, inspiring delegates to address pressing international issues. Participants engage in debates and negotiation, honing their diplomatic skills … Read More

Museum of School Life and Education

Our school was invited to an Award Ceremony hosted by the Museum of School Life and Education at the Ministry of Education in Athens. This event proved to be an enriching and memorable experience for both our teachers and students. Following the ceremony, the students visited the iconic Acropolis. Congratulations to our wonderful students for their remarkable achievement in securing this esteemed … Read More

Students attend Trakart Concert

A selection of Music IGCSE and A level students, as well as our Musical Production participants, had the pleasure of sitting through the dress rehearsal for the much anticipated concert ‘Westend and Beyond in Concert’ performed by world famous musical theatre singers and the Trakart Pops Orchestra. The students were encouraged to observe how final details are prepared and executed … Read More

Carol Service

Our Christmas festivities came to their finale with our annual traditional Christmas Carol Service. Both Primary and Secondary School Prefects read stories and biblical readings, all harmoniously accompanied by Christmas songs and carols, sung by both our Primary choirs, solo singers and of course our congregation. The Heritage family wishes you all a restful and peaceful holiday season.

Russian Short Story Award Ceremony 23

We are proud to announce the winners of the Russian Short Story Competition 2023. 100 young authors from Years 7-10 presented their stories written on the following Russian trip themes:  Year 7: “The Story of the Car”. Year 8: “The School of the Future”. Year 9: “A night in the Medieval Museum of Limassol”. Year 10: ” Noone believed it … Read More

Heritage Celebrates World Children’s Day

On the occasion of the declaration and signing of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by the UN General Assembly on 20 November 1989, the Music and Greek departments of the Heritage Private School joyously celebrated World Children’s Day. Read more on Philenews

Athletics Day

Our annual Years 11- 13 Athletics Day, organised by the PE Department, took place with great success for all participants.  It was an amazing event which included running, throwing, jumping activities as well as dancing and cheerleading. A truly memorable day! More photos from the day on our Facebook page.

Cyprus Education Leaders Awards

We are thrilled to announce that our School received three Gold awards at the Cyprus Education Leaders Awards 2023 ceremony in the following categories: 1) Rewarding Excellence: The Heritage Gifted and Talented Programme, 2) Youth Entrepreneurship: Impulse Team Young Entrepreneurs – F1 in Schools and 3) Collaboration with the Industry: The TechWeCan Programme (collaboration with PwC).  Congratulations to our dedicated teachers Mr Simon Demetriou, Ms Despina Kyriakoudi, Ms Martha … Read More

MUNISH Trip 2023

A group of 21 students accompanied by two teachers travelled to The Netherlands to attend the 33rd Model United Nations Conference at the International School of the Hague. They represented the delegations of Israel, Peru and Mauritius, making us very proud with their eloquent and passionate debating skills. The conference’s theme was Bridging the Divide to Unity and Equality, a theme which … Read More