The Heritage Private School won first place in this year’s NASA Space Apps Competition in Cyprus. Our school sent two teams: Lunar Landers and Guardians of the Ocean. Our winning team, Lunar Landers, will have the chance to compete in the 2019 Global NASA Space Apps Competition. NASA Space Apps is an incubator innovation programme.
Scholarship Awards 2019/2020
We are delighted to announce the winners for the academic year 2019/2020.
1 Day Hike
Our 1 Day hike took place on the 28 September with 200 Secondary School students participating in this challenging and enjoyable event. Congratulations to all students for their enthusiasm and positive spirit, but also many thanks to the twenty staff members who supported the event either by walking or having duties at check points.
EYP National Session
From 27-31 August, we hosted the 13th Annual National Session of the European Youth Parliament, themed “The youth of today, the power of the future: Engaging, Connecting, Empowering”. A truly unique and life-changing experience, students have had the opportunity to interact with over 200 students from across the entire island as well as with international delegates. Students participated in teambuilding, committee … Read More
Heritage Wins Education Awards
We are extremely proud to announce that at the Cyprus Education Leaders Awards Ceremony held at Lemon Park in Nicosia on 6 June, our School was awarded six Educational Leaders Awards. We received two Gold Awards in the categories of ‘Digital Education’ and ‘Facilities and Infrastructure’, and four Bronze Awards in the categories of ‘Developing Leadership Skills’, ‘International Educational Collaboration’, … Read More
DofE Gold Award Reception
On 29 May, Mr George Nicolaou and Ms Elena Smilas attended a Reception at the British High Commissioner’s Residence in Nicosia, for the recipients of the Gold Award of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. We are very proud of four Heritage students who completed the Gold Award, namely, Nicole Papageorgiou, Angelo Lianos and Xia Shang (who completed the award … Read More
He@lthMe Cafeteria
The new “He@lthMe” cafeteria at the Technology Centre (by the sports fields) has now opened. This has allowed for the introduction of the “He@lthMe corner” which incorporates both the new cafeteria and the Fitness Centre (run by coach Costas Michaelides). The new cafeteria has 4 main aims: A quieter space for staff, parents and external facility users Organic food (wraps, … Read More
US Embassy officer visits Heritage
Glen Davis, Officer of Public Affairs at the US Embassy in Cyprus, visited our school facilities on 21 May and spoke to our students and staff about US education and choosing a career in the new global economy.
CYMEPA Visit and Green Office award
Dr Mixalis Ieridis from CYMEPA gave a stimulating presentation to the Year 9 students on 14 May about sustainability and the environment as well as awarding the school with the Green Offices Eco Label. Green Office awards are given to establishments that implement and adhere to performance criteria related to energy and water consumption, waste management and use of environmental … Read More
Heritage Musicians at the Street Life Festival
Two music bands from our School, ‘The Collectives’ and ‘The Touring Bandits’, performed at this year’s Street Life Festival in Limassol. The festival attendees and organisers were very impressed with our students and their music.