Heritage Archaeological Find Exhibition

The School has released a short documentary video about the archaeological find at the Heritage Private School site in 2004, and the new exhibition display dedicated to it in the Primary School Building on campus. We hope you will enjoy watching it and are able to visit the exhibition in person when the regulations allow.

French Competition

The French Department is very happy to announce that our Y12 student Polina Kovtun finished third at the 2021 Jeunes Plumes Francophones International Literature Competition organised by Lions France. We are very proud of her! Bravo chère Polina!

Youth & Volunteering Award

Our school has been commended for its volunteering work for the 15th Competition of the Programme ‘Youth and Volunteering’, 2019-2020. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the annual ceremony at the Presidential Palace was canceled last December, but Mr. Thoma visited our School to present us with the plaque.

Toyota Car Competition

Congratulations to Alexios Sfakianakis 7B for taking second place in the Toyota Car Competition – Designing the Car of the Future. The prize drawings will be sent to Japan for the world contest. The winners of each category will then participate in the World Contest in which a grand prize winner from each category and two special award winners will … Read More

Celebrating Black History Month

During the month of February, our Music, English Literature and PE Departments collaborated with the US Embassy in Cyprus to commemorate Black History Month.  Students in Year 6 were taught about the genre of Blues Music, including its history and the legendary B.B. King. They created their own presentations on this time period and genre and played some blues on their own iPad … Read More

Safer Internet Day

We celebrate “Safer Internet Day” by engaging KS3 students in workshops with aim to improve their digital literacy and critical thinking skills, which will allow them to navigate safely online. Parents and teachers play a crucial role in empowering and supporting children and young people to use digital technologies responsibly, respectfully and creatively. In our school we motivate, guide and … Read More

Heritage Student accepted into Berklee College of Music

We are extremely proud to announce that our student, Konstantin Solopov, has been accepted by the world-renowned Berklee College of Music to study a degree in Film Scoring. Congratulations to Konstantin and his teachers for this outstanding achievement!

Student releases EP

Our student Polina Furman in Year 11 has just released her independent debut music EP on all online platforms. Her journey began last year, composing her first song ‘Don’t think’. After realising her love for composing original songs, she continued on to write ‘World on Fire’ as a reaction to the 2020 events. The last song on the EP, ‘Answer … Read More

Victorian Day

On Friday 11 December, Year 5 were transported back in time to a bygone age; that of the Victorian Era. The day began with morning drill and cleanliness inspection from the Headmaster and continued with traditional lessons in spelling, handwriting, Latin and singing. Pupils were fully immersed into the roles, including Victorian punishments! A great day was had by all … Read More

Toy Appeal

Christmas is a time for sharing, therefore due to difficulties some families may be experiencing, particularly this year, parents have kindly sent into School a new toy wrapped as a Christmas gift labelled with age and gender on the wrapping of each gift, as requested by a local charity. These will then be distributed to families who are facing hardship … Read More