The Heritage Private School is justifiably proud of its high academic standards and the attainments of its students, but it is also very aware that students have different learning styles, capabilities and ambitions. Therefore, all students are encouraged to stay on at the School in Years 12 and 13 for the number and type of courses they wish to follow, and to which they are best suited. The School feels that it is vital to offer continuity in academic and other educational experiences to all who desire it, and not just the top achievers!
Careers guidance is an essential aspect of Secondary School life. Students have wide access to essential careers and university-related information, are given presentations from visiting higher education establishments, and are fully supported through the higher education application process, regardless of whether they are applying abroad or locally to continue their education – and typically all of the Year 13 leavers do go on to study at a university in the UK or elsewhere.
Advice and guidance is always available from staff, and the Headteacher personally discusses education and career choices with students. Those who desire work experience are helped through the rigorous selection process involved in securing relevant, quality placements. Year 13 students graduate from the School not only with their external examination certificates and other evidence of achievements, but they are also issued with a formal School Leaving Certificate (Apolytirion).